On August 3rd the DGPT announced their updated Face Covering policy. The summary of the plan is listed below. The following guidance applies during DGPT rounds:
- All persons must carry a face covering at all times.
- All persons must wear a face covering when indoors.
- When outside and able to social distance, a face covering will be strongly recommended but not required (except within 50’ of a teeing area, see below).
- Teeing Area: All persons, including competitors, are required to wear face covering when within 50’ of a teeing area.
- When it is a competitor’s turn to throw, they are permitted to remove their face covering when throwing.
- When outside and where social distancing of 2 meters is not possible, all persons must wear a face covering.
- During Phase 2 events, all spectators are required to wear a face covering when on the event site. Spectators are required to stay 50’ from players at all times.
The above guidance affects spectators, staff, volunteers, media and staff during DGPT competition rounds and activities. The tournament’s COVID-19 policy will apply to the rest of the event, including the AM and Age based professional courses, the tournament flymart, AM check-in, the Ledgestone pro shop and other events. The summary of that plan is listed below:
- Spectators are not allowed at AM and Age based professional courses. One caddy is allowed per player at AM and Age based professional courses.
- A face covering is required at AM check-in, the Flymart, the Ledgestone pro shop, any other indoor tournament activities and in any other situations where social distancing is not possible.
- Electronic scoring will be utilized for all tournament rounds.
- Spectating opportunities will be very limited; VIP pass holders are the only ones guaranteed to be able to spectate.
- Social distancing of 6’ needs to be maintained at all times.
- The tournament will be strictly enforcing the “Own equipment rule”. Please only touch your own equipment.
- All baskets and teeing areas will have a 6’ marked diameter circle around them. Only one player is allowed in these areas at one time.
- Northwood Park will be restricted to MPO players only on Wednesday of tournament week. Sunset will be restricted on Wednesday from 8AM to Noon for FPO players only.
- Players are asked not to enter the starter’s tent/scoring area.
The DGPT restriction that requires players to wear a face covering on the course within 50’ of a teepad does not apply to AM and Age based professional courses. The safety of everyone involved in the event is the highest priority for tournament staff. We look forward to seeing everyone in Peoria next week!