Ledgestone runs limited edition molds through Discraft each year and releases these discs through the Ledgestone Wholesale program. The first limited edition disc that was ever released through the program was the Ti Zone, released in December 2014. Generally 50 to 60 vendors sell Ledgestone Limited Edition discs each year, including the Ledgestone Pro Shop. Ledgestone released over 30,000 discs the first year and to date has now released hundreds of thousands of discs through the program.
Ledgestone has now run every mold that Discraft has available for production at least once, including bringing back some molds that had been out of production for more than a decade. Vendors interested in selling Ledgestone LE discs can email nate@lisopen.com for more information.
A complete guide to the history of the Ledgestone LE program can be found at this link. This list includes disc names, the year it was released, the total run, colors (if available) and the release month.