Thr Esp Glo cicada is a nice disc. Feels really good in the hand. Can either throw with a little hyzer to flip up flat. I was so able to throw the tight s-line for those tight wooded shots. Going to add this disc to my bag, for sure. FroThr Esp Glo cicada is a nice disc. Feels really good in the hand. Can either throw with a little hyzer to flip up flat. I was so able to throw the tight s-line for those tight wooded shots. Going to add this disc to my bag, for sure. From a trogy guy, this disc is a keepThr Esp Glo cicada is a nice disc. Feels really good in the hand. Can either throw with a little hyzer to flip up flat. I was so able to throw the tight s-line for those tight wooded shots. Going to add this disc to my bag, for sure. From a trogy guy, this disc is a keepererm a trogy guy, this disc is a keepThr Esp Glo cicada is a nice disc. Feels really good in the hand. Can either throw with a little hyzer to flip up flat. I was so able to throw the tight s-line for those tight wooded shots. Going to add this disc to my bag, for sure. From a trogy guy, this disc is a keeperer